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The Family Institute for Education, Practice & Research at the University of Rochester is a resource that helps ACT teams learn how to use family support services to assist with the recovery of individuals with mental illness. The Family Institute can train individuals, programs, agencies or groups of agencies. Training formats include direct training of clinicians and train-the-trainer sessions. Interested organizations should contact Pascale Jean-Noel, Director of Training, ACT Institute, who will facilitate contact with the Family Institute. Pascale can be reached by telephone at (212) 543-5464 or via email at actinst@nyspi.columbia.edu


Training Modules Available

1. Consumer Centered Family Consultation (CCFC) is a brief, education-based engagement and consultation service that is typically completed in one to three sessions. It promotes collaboration among adult consumers of mental health services, members of their family or social network, and service providers to support each consumer’s recovery. This 6 hour training will enhance participants knowledge, skill and confidence to successfully engage, involve and address the needs and wants of consumers and members of their family/social network in a manner that supports the treatment and recovery of their loved one. After the training, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize what a family involved mental health system looks like and learnØ the importance of consumer and families experiences
  • Understand the process of Consumer Centered Family Consultation and how it compares to family therapy
  • Understand the informing and engaging process with consumers of the mental health system and their families and/or social network system
  • Understand how to connect with families, define areas of focus and planning interventions with family and to gain a comfort level utilizing the Connecting, Defining & Prioritizing Want/Needs, and Planning (CDP) method of Consumer Centered Family Consultation
  • Connect with local NAMI Programs to begin a collaborative effort
  • Review the Family Institute website as a resource for Consumer Centered Family Consultation and the Spectrum of Family Services Treatment & Community Options

2. Family Psychoeducation: This 2-day training consists of instructions on how to implement a Single & Multiple Family Psychoeducation Group, based on the work of William McFarlane, M.D. After this training participants will be able to:

  • Plan, implement, integrate and evaluate evidence based family psychoeducation services
  • Develop an accessible system to identify and involve individuals in the consumer’s family or social network in psychoeducation services
  • Establish policies, procedures and documentation requirements that support family psychoeducation services
  • Insure that, participants receive all relevant family education training and implementation resource materials developed by the Family Institute and/or obtained from national family education projects
  • Review the Family Institute website as a resource for Consumer Centered Family Consultation and the Spectrum of Family Services Treatment & Community Options

3. Family Support Groups, Family Information Nights, Family Education Curriculum and Resource Library: This 3-hour training provides basic information on how to add additional services that are consumer and family friendly and that support the recovery of the consumer. These trainings are not meant as a substitute for clinical care, but as an adjunct service that supports sound clinical care offered by multidisciplinary team.

  • After the training participants will be able to:
  • Offer families support, education, information and resources
  • Offer the consumer and families a better understanding of the organizational structure within the specific agency and the services they provide
  • Work along side consumers to create an educational program to fit the needs of the consumer and their loved one
  • To learn about the community programs and how to make use of them as a resource