News Brief Archive

Attention ACT providers!

  • 16 April 2019

There is a new set of tobacco resources available through the CPI Learning Management System. To access them, login to and click the NYC TCTTAC (Tobacco Training) button on the lower right. 

Tobacco is the #1 cause of death among people diagnosed with a psychiatric illness in the United States (Callaghan et al, 2014). People diagnosed with a psychiatric illness are more likely to smoke than people without (36% vs. 21%) (CDC Vital Signs February 2013) and smoke more often (SAMHSA CBHSQ Report March 2017). It has also been shown that people diagnosed with a psychiatric illness want to and are able to stop smoking (CDC Vital Signs February 2013). And we can help! In fact, people are the most successful when they receive a combination of psychosocial support and medication, including NRTs, varenicline, and bupropion (2008 PHS Guideline Update). The resources available here speak to the importance of addressing tobacco and describe the most up-to-date evidence-based practices available for counselors as well prescribing clinicians.   Read More

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