CPI's Learning Community
Wellness Self-Management (WSM) Supplemental material for WSM online course takers
Critical Time Intervention (CTI): Manual for Workers and Supervisors
Q: The CTI teams outline in the RFP does not seem to align exactly with the model as described in the CTI Manual for Workers and Supervisors, can you explain this?
A: The existing manual should be used as a reference for the CTI model, practice, and concepts. This CTI team approach for this RFP is new and has some modifications based on the expectations for these teams. For example, the CTI team for this RFP has licensed clinical providers (including a nurse) so there will be differences in what the CTI team provides. As the CTI teams develop there will be modified guidance document to align with the new program more closely, particularly around the new staffing model and associated functions. The CTI Manual for Workers and Supervisors can be located here for reference.