News Brief Archive

ACT Institute works with DHS Leadership

  • 7 March 2019

On Thursday, February 7th, the ACT Institute met with some of the directors and supervisors of NYC homeless shelters. The ACT Institute facilitated an ACT CORE Training. This training, conducted at the NYS Psychiatric Institute, was attended by 30 staff members from DHS, as well as leadership from NYS OMH and NYC DOHMH. Thistraining, historically provided to ACT Team’s only, covered topics in the areas of (ACT) history and model, recovery, trauma-informed care, multicultural humility and awareness, peer services, person-centered approaches, and engagement. Every member of the ACT Institute was present and led a part of the training. The members of the ACT Institute include Dr. Helle Thorning, Pascale Jean-Noel, Noah Lipton, Sascha DuBrul, Ife Samms, Yiyin Tang, Drew Musa and Luis Lopez. Also, we want to thank Gary Clark, Laura Dreher, Dr. Raj Chablani, and Darryl Nicholson-Sansani for their ongoing support.  Read More

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