Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia Psychiatry


To advance a behavioral health care system whose workforce provides the highest quality and value of evidence based treatments and services for recovery and wellness to consumers and their families.


In a rapidly changing healthcare environment, CPI delivers a wide array of training to increase the competencies of the NYS behavioral health workforce and implementation supports to ensure the successful application of that training within agencies and organizations.

Our training mission encompasses the development and distribution of educational courses, guidelines, manuals, and toolkits delivered in person and online through our learning management system. Instructional design methods inform this training which is tailored for diverse learners including care managers, primary care providers, behavioral health clinicians, home and community based service providers, students, and consumers and family members.

Our implementation supports enhance the adoption of a clinical program or practice, are data driven, and tailored to organizational needs. Organizational leaders, managers, and supervisors as well as front line staff participate. Key methods include in-person and online meetings, consultations, and learning collaboratives.



In relationships with stakeholders, service delivery, and product development

Measurable Results

In training, consultation, program design, and evaluation of implementation


In stage-based and recovery-oriented approaches with individuals, organizations, and systems


In partnerships with service providers, consumers, agency leadership, local mental health authorities, academic institutions, and community stakeholders

Rapid Response

In deploying resources to neet the needs of a rapidly and ever evolving behavioral health delivery system

Relationship with the New York State Office of Mental Health

The Center for Practice Innovations is supported by the New York State Office of Mental Health (NYS-OMH). The CPI serves as a key resource in spreading those practices identified by NYS-OMH as most critical to accomplish the transformation of behavioral health care service delivery in New York. In addition to training and implementation support, the CPI provides guidance and expertise to OMH that is rooted in research on evidence-based practices, implementation science, and behavioral health care policy.

Relationship with the Nathan Kline Institute

The Nathan Kline Institute (NKI), a facility of the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH), is one of the nation’s most respected research centers focused on mental health. NKI supports the collection and management of data critical to the Center for Practice Innovations (CPI)’s mission.