Frequently Ask Questions

I'm a new user. How do I navigate the learning community?

We have added to the transcript of all new users a curriculum including some very brief video demonstrations to learn how to access different training and features in our learning community. Written instructions are also included here. If you are supervisor, we have also added a curriculum including some very brief video demonstrations to help you learn how to assign and track training to your staff.

General Questions Regarding Continuing Education

What types of courses are available?

Answer: The CPI Continuing Education Program offers numerous online and some in-person trainings for social work professionals. Types of learning include self-guided modules, archived webinars, and reading resources as well as live webinars and in-person trainings. Each training falls under one of CPIs initiatives: Focus on Integrated Treatment (FIT), Wellness Self-Management (WSM), Suicide Prevention (SP-TIE), Managed Care, Supported Employment or Individual Placement and Support (IPS), OnTrackNY, Core Competencies, Network Provider Trainings and Knowledge Builders.