I-CONECT - NYC Specialty CMA's Learning Community: Navigating Safety in Community Work - Face to Face
The I CONECT Team and the NYS OMH NYC Field Office would like to invite Specialty CMA's providers from the New York City region to the first Learning Community meeting of 2025 and the first learning community with NYC! We will discuss some of the topics impacting the work of care managers in our communities today:
Crisis Intervention & Safety in Community Work
- Navigating Suicidality
- De-escalation
- Practical Tools
- Scenarios from the work!
- Person First Wellness-based Language
Wednesday, January 15th, 2025
Join us for session 1 or 2
New York City Field Office - Office of Mental Health
330 5th Ave.
New York, New York 10001
9th Fl. Conference Room A
Session 1
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Session 2
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
We look forward to connecting!!!
See You in person!
Platform: ZOOM
Register/RSVP via the LMS
If you are having difficulty, please email us at ICONECT@nyspi.columbia.edu