Assess, Intervene, and Monitor for Suicide Prevention (AIM-SP): Introducing a Suicide-Safer Care Pathways for Clients at Elevated Risk – Video (1 hr 25 min)
AIM model components covered: All
CE credits offered: SW, LMHC, CASAC, & CME
Required training: Required for all clinical staff (including prescribers) participating in the Assess, Intervene, & Monitor for Suicide Prevention (AIM-SP)/PSYCKES Suicide Prevention CQI Project
Instructions: You will need to complete a pre- and post-training survey (<5min) and post-training knowledge quiz to receive your certificate of completion and CE credits.
Description: The Assess, Intervene, & Monitor for Suicide Prevention (AIM-SP) training will describe the components of suicide-safer care for all outpatient clients and introduce a suicide-safer care pathway for clients at elevated suicide risk. The training consists of didactics and case vignette examples. Didactics will review the rationale for suicide-safer care, as well as all components of the AIM-SP model. The Assessment section includes instruction on screening, how to use the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSSRS), and guidelines for comprehensive risk assessment, clinical formulation, and triage, including level of care determinations and who should receive enhanced interventions on the Suicide-Safer Care Pathway. The Intervention section will include both brief interventions to enhance safety and ongoing interventions. Brief interventions include the safety planning intervention, psychoeducation, teaching coping and distress tolerance skills, and restricting access to lethal means. Discussion of ongoing interventions will include guidance on how clinicians can apply evidence-based and best practices for suicide prevention to everyday clinical care, including targeting suicidal thoughts and behavior directly, on-going assessment and monitoring of suicidal ideation and behaviors, review and revision of safety plans, increasing protective factors, and reducing risk factors. The Monitoring section will include a review of how to monitor clients at elevated suicidal risk to ensure safety and maintain continuity of care between sessions, after missed appointments, and during care transitions. Guidance on documentation, consultation, and other clinical concerns while providing suicide-safer care in outpatient settings will be discussed.