Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a community-based and mobile team intervention designed for people with behavioral health challenges who are at risk for hospitalization, involvement with the justice system, and homelessness. ACT in New York uses the transitional care framework to structure the work of the team:
Engaging & envisioning life goals
Engaging in wellness self-management
Integrating with the community
Rehabilitation services, core evidence-based practices, and tools are used by the ACT Teams to facilitate and support growth towards community integration.
Needs change as people move through life and as such, a treatment approach that has flexibility and adaptability to the individual need at a given time is necessary. As a result, ACT in New York has expanded. In addition to our Classic Adult ACT teams, Adult ACT now includes specialty ACT teams as follows:
This model incorporates program modifications to better meet the needs of older adults (55 or older) with serious mental illness (SMI) and a chronic medical condition.
Click here to learn more about Older Adult ACT: Older Adult ACT Guidance Addendum
- Forensic ACT Teams (FACT)
This model builds upon the evidence-based model of class ACT, serving individuals who have current involvement with the criminal justice system in at least one of the set areas as outlined in the guidance.
Click here to learn more about FACT: Forensic ACT Program Guidelines Addendum
This model builds upon the evidence-based model of classic ACT by enhancing flexibility in the delivery of services, serving capacity of 100 (60% ACT high and 40% ACT lite), and providing two levels of service intensity (ACT high intensity-6+ contacts per month /ACT lite-2 to 5 contracts per month).
Click here to learn more about Flex ACT: Flexible ACT Program Guidelines Addendum
Serving underserved communities in rural areas of New York State (NYS).
Click here to learn more about Rural ACT: Rural ACT Program Guidelines Addendum
The goal of ACT is to help people become independent and integrate into their community as they experience recovery.
Click here to learn more about ACT in New York: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program Guidelines Adult and Young Adult